The last film we saw in theatres in 2018 was Roma, by Alfonso Cuarón. Winner in Venice, arguably the best film of 2018, according to the critics. Will Roma also win at The Oscars in 2019?
Who is the film dedicated to?
Write her name.
The top 3 students to get the correct answer will score 7, 5 and 3 points, respectively; all other students with correct answers will score 1 point.
You have +/- 72 hours to answer the question.
Deadline: Friday, 4/1/2019 - 23:59.
Deadline: Friday, 4/1/2019 - 23:59.
Sign with your name and class.
Liboria “Libo” Rodríguez
ResponderEliminarLiboria “Libo” Rodríguez
ResponderEliminarCarlos nunes
Alfonso Cuarón
ResponderEliminarMaria Santos 12B
Liboria Rodríguez
ResponderEliminarJoão Paulo Amorim
Nuno Santos
Liboria “Libo” Rodríguez
Answer: Libo, or Liboria Rodríguez, who was Alfonso Cuarón's real Mixtec housekeeper, when he was younger.
ResponderEliminarInês Sousa and Carlos Nunes (both 12.º B) score 7 and 5 points, respectively; João Paulo Amorim and Nuno Santos (both 12.º E) score 3 and 1 point(s), respectively.